OxyVital™ Organic Skin Elixir

$ 69.00

OxyVital Organic Skin Care - Subtle Energy Science for your Skin.
Energized with our proprietary Collagen, Skin Support and Muscle Tone Energies!

OxyVital contains Organic Olive Oil bonded to Oxygen with Rose and Neroli Essential Oils.

Why is OxyVital™ the most advanced oxygen skin care therapy?

OxyVital™ is the only skin care therapy that is organic, vitally alive, and infused with activated oxygen. OxyVital™ Therapy super-oxygenates and vitalizes your skin using a proprietary blend of the finest therapeutic grade essential oils, including Rose and Neurolli which are specially selected for their proven and powerful healing properties. OxyVital™ contains organic olive oil especially rich in the Omega fatty acids - scientifically recognized for their longevity and anti-aging benefits. OxyVital™ not only feels wonderful on your skin and under your moisturizer or makeup, but smells simply divine as it is redolent with Rose and Neroli Essential Oils, which are important for thickening the skin, which is critical as the skin ages.

OxyVital™ Improves Skin! Our vitalized oxygen expels toxins before they lead to cellular damage and removes the cellular debris that clogs pores. With OxyVital™ you will experience the miraculous and immediate rejuvenation of skin that has been exposed to sun, wind, chemical peels, and air-borne pollutants. OxyVital™’s anti viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties are excellent for infections and support optimal functioning by improving skin tone and texture. OxyVital™ Skin Therapy is the only skin care product that contains Life Energy Amplification and subtle energy blends specifically formulated for anti-aging. Our proprietary process combines vitalized oxygen in synergy with organic essential oils, olive oils, Vitamin E and Vitamin A. OxyVital™ Skin Therapy soothes, vitalizes, balances and restores natural health and beauty to your skin for radiant well being.

OxyVital™ - Breakthrough Technology in Skin Therapy and Cellular Oxygenation!

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